Monday, January 15, 2007

How To Not Get Sick

1. How you get sick:
Okay, so, what happens, is that a virus/sickness germy thing goes into any opening in your body(nostrils, open cuts, etc.). Then, it finds your blood stream, and burrows into one of your blood cells. There, it pretty much has millions of baby's, and they go out, and find other blood vessels. Do not panic, though. This very thing is happening to you, every day! It is only when you get sick, that the virus is winning, temporarily.

How To Get Sick:
A. Drink lake water. (make sure it has no algae, or construction mud.)
B. Sleep under a constantly blowing vent
C. Lick your lips
D. Lick a dollar bill
E. Don't wash your hands for a day, then lick them. Then swallow.

2. How to not get sick:
A. Wash your hands. Do you know how much bacteria is on your hands right now? millions, and they're duplicating.
B. Don not lick your lips. Licking your lips will only attract the virus.

3. If you do get sick:
A. If you do get sick, that means your emmune system is down. Drink some nice, pure chamomile tea.
B. Go for a walk. it will get the oxygen flowing in your blood system, and bring help to the overtaken blood cells faster. If you do go for a walk:
1. don't over-tire yourself. That will just make it worse.
2. Wear shoes, and tons of thick layers. You want to sweat out the impurities in your skin,
and blood cells.


Rev. Rick Hamilton said...

You sent me a comment on my blog and asked for help. The best advice I can give you is that you are a child of God and because you are, you are loved.

SM said...

Thank you for the comments you left on my blog. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I quite enjoyed learning how to get sick!